1) Factory pattern-
var personfactory = function(name, age, state){
var temp = {};
temp.name = name;
temp.age = age;
temp.state = state;
temp.ShowDetails = function(){
console.log(temp.name +" "+ temp.age +" "+ temp.state);
return temp;
var person1 = new personfactory('Ashish',34,'In');
var person2 = new personfactory('Soni',30,'Au');
person1.ShowDetails(); //Ashish 34 In
person2.ShowDetails(); Soni 30 Au
2)- Constructor pattern
var personConstructor = function(name, age){
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.getDetails = function(){
console.log(this.name + " " + this.age);
var Male = new personConstructor('Ashish',34);
var Female = new personConstructor('geeta',30);
Male.getDetails(); //Ashish 34
Female.getDetails(); //geeta 30
3)- Prototype pattern
var person = function(){
person.prototype.name ="no name";
person.prototype.age = 0;
person.prototype.state = "no state";
person.prototype.showDetails = function(){
console.log(this.name +" "+ this.age +" "+ this.state);
var male = new person();
male.name = "Ashish";
male.age = 34;
male.state = "UP";
male.showDetails(); // Ashish 34 UP
var female = new person();
female.name = "Sonam";
female.age = 30;
female.state = "MP";
female.showDetails(); // Sonam 30 MP
//case1 - female.name = "Sonam"; not commented this line
console.log('name' in female); //true
console.log(female.hasOwnProperty('name')); //true
//case2 - female.name = "Sonam"; is commented this line then it also gives true because it look up property in person object
console.log('name' in female); //true
console.log(female.hasOwnProperty('name')); //false
//case3 - blabla is not having any property with this name either in female or person object
console.log('blabla' in female); //false
note: if comment //female.name = "Sonam";
then female.showDetails(); will print- no name 30 MP
4) dynamic prototype pattern
var dynamicPerson = function(name, age, state){
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.state = state;
if(typeof this.showDetails !== 'function'){
dynamicPerson.prototype.showDetails = function(){
console.log(this.name +" "+ this.age +" "+ this.state);
var male = new dynamicPerson('Ashish',34,'Up');
male.showDetails(); //Ashish 34 Up
var personfactory = function(name, age, state){
var temp = {};
temp.name = name;
temp.age = age;
temp.state = state;
temp.ShowDetails = function(){
console.log(temp.name +" "+ temp.age +" "+ temp.state);
return temp;
var person1 = new personfactory('Ashish',34,'In');
var person2 = new personfactory('Soni',30,'Au');
person1.ShowDetails(); //Ashish 34 In
person2.ShowDetails(); Soni 30 Au
2)- Constructor pattern
var personConstructor = function(name, age){
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.getDetails = function(){
console.log(this.name + " " + this.age);
var Male = new personConstructor('Ashish',34);
var Female = new personConstructor('geeta',30);
Male.getDetails(); //Ashish 34
Female.getDetails(); //geeta 30
3)- Prototype pattern
var person = function(){
person.prototype.name ="no name";
person.prototype.age = 0;
person.prototype.state = "no state";
person.prototype.showDetails = function(){
console.log(this.name +" "+ this.age +" "+ this.state);
var male = new person();
male.name = "Ashish";
male.age = 34;
male.state = "UP";
male.showDetails(); // Ashish 34 UP
var female = new person();
female.name = "Sonam";
female.age = 30;
female.state = "MP";
female.showDetails(); // Sonam 30 MP
//case1 - female.name = "Sonam"; not commented this line
console.log('name' in female); //true
console.log(female.hasOwnProperty('name')); //true
//case2 - female.name = "Sonam"; is commented this line then it also gives true because it look up property in person object
console.log('name' in female); //true
console.log(female.hasOwnProperty('name')); //false
//case3 - blabla is not having any property with this name either in female or person object
console.log('blabla' in female); //false
note: if comment //female.name = "Sonam";
then female.showDetails(); will print- no name 30 MP
4) dynamic prototype pattern
var dynamicPerson = function(name, age, state){
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.state = state;
if(typeof this.showDetails !== 'function'){
dynamicPerson.prototype.showDetails = function(){
console.log(this.name +" "+ this.age +" "+ this.state);
var male = new dynamicPerson('Ashish',34,'Up');
male.showDetails(); //Ashish 34 Up
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